(Section 9) Lumen Maintenance and Rated Life Requirements 流明维持率和额定寿命时间要求 在1.0版本的DRAFT 2,将寿命时间统一要求为25000小时:
(Section 15.1) Packaging Requirements
删除了对TYPE IC以及AT(气密性)功能的宣称要求。
(Section 1) The scope has been expanded to allow for alternate mounting configurations 增加了其他可替换的安装结构(电缆安装、吊装、半嵌入式安装等等)
(Section 4) The Downlight, Accent Light, and Downlight Retrofit definitions are further harmonized and a new Wallwash Distribution definition is introduced 部分产品定义术语更新。
(Section 5.1) The expectation that color tunable and multi-output products are to be evaluated at the most consumptive white light setting has been clarified. 澄清要求色温和流明和输出可调的产品应该在最大白光功耗下测试。
EPA has clarified that ANSI/IES LM-80-21, IES LM-80-15, or LM-80-08 and its Addendum A are acceptable methods of measurement related to ENERGY STAR lumen and color maintenance requirements. Additionally, ANSI/IES LM-79-19 and IES LM-79-08 are acceptable methods of measurement where applicable (section 7, 8, and 9) as are ANSI C82.77-10-2021 and C82.77-10-2014 for power factor. 确认ANSI/IES LM-80-21, IES LM-80-15, or LM-80-08及其附录A是ES流明和颜色维持率的可接受的测试方法。ANSI/IES LM-79-19和IES LM-79-08是可接受的光色电测试方法。ANSI C82.77-10-2021和C82.77-10-2014是可接受的测功率因素的标准。